Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Property Known as Garland: 03/21/2006

The property known as The Property Known as Garland will most likely be condemned in short order, so if you are curious – you better hurry. Less a play then a reheated collection of leftover Judy Garland clichés, it presents itself as fictional account of the hour in her dressing room before her final concert in March of 1969. The show marks the return of Adrienne Barbeau to the NYC stage for the first time since her Tony nominated performance as Rizzo in Grease and the fact that she escapes with her dignity after the 80 minutes of this show is deserving of an award in itself. If Barbeau rarely strikes a false note in the course of this Property it is probably because she never strikes more than one; but Barbeau is only to blame to the extent that she is married to the author.

For info: www.propertyknownasgarland.com

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